A protective mask for the face against dust
شامل الضريبة
العلامة التجارية
LOT- لوت
لثام واقي للوجه متعدد الاستخدام
ازرق ، احمر
84% قماش بولياميد
16% قماش إسباندكس
، التجفيف السريع ، القوة ، النعومة وخفة ، فضلا عن مقاومة للرطوبة. للنسيج مقاومة جيدة لتأثيرات الظروف البيئية
الفئة المستهدفة
رجال ، نساء
فئة الرياضة
ركوب الدراجات الهوائية ، المشي لمسافات طويلة ، ركوب الدراجات النارية ، التخييم و الرياضات الآخرى
يستخدم كعصابة رأس ، وربطة شعر ، وشاح ا ، وقناع للوجه ، وطوق للرقبة ، ورباط معصم ، ، وقرصنة ، ولف الرأس ، ومنديل للرقبة ، و غطاء للأذن
تم تصميمه بشكل رياضي مرن يمكن لبسه بعدة طرق مختلفة كربطة على الرأس و كقبعة للرأس و يربط من اعلى
يمكن القيام بالتنظيف في الغسالة عند درجة حرارة لا تتجاوز 40 درجة. يجف بسرعة في الهواء ، بينما من الأفضل تعليقه في حالة رطبة.
- تصميم مرن و مثالي
- قناع للوجه متعدد الاستخدام للحماية من الغبار و الهواء
- تتميز مادة القماش بالتجفيف السريع ، القوة ، النعومة وخفة ، فضلا عن مقاومة للرطوبة
- يستخدم لتدفئة الفم والانف و يستخدم لحمايه الوجه و الراس من عوامل الطقس و البرد و اشعة الشمس
- قماش ناعم. يمكن طيه إلى أصغر حجم. فمن السهل جدا استخدامه
A protective face mask against dust, suitable for people who like to go out on their favorite bicycles
Outdoor places Litham works to purify the air from dust and dirt, and it is designed to perform this function as fully as possible
And with a high capacity while riding bicycles, people are always exposed to air that is loaded with many pollutants, such as Lithum
Produced by one of the best international companies specialized in the production of sportswear in the world, as its products are always
It is characterized by high quality and lasts for very long periods. Many athletes know that Lotte is a pioneer in this
By obtaining it, you will guarantee the actual quality of the product, when you drive your bike on any road, you will inevitably be exposed to dust
And dust, given that the road has many causes , such as the permanent movement that occurs as a result of people walking on it
The road, as well as the movement of vehicles such as cars and others. The road in general may not be interrupted by any movement at all except in
Some specific times only All of the above are considered major causes of air pollution so it is very important that
You get a protective face mask against dust designed appropriately for this type of environmental condition
My bike is specialized in providing equipment and tools related to bicycles, including bicycles, in addition to
Various sportswear The site saves you the fatigue and trouble of searching when you want to search for this appropriate veil to wear
as needed thanks to its ability to purify the air and get rid of moisture in a wonderful and excellent way
Protective face mask against dust technology
The technology involved is one of the most important features of the Litham, and it is considered one of the unique features in it that represents a technology
Quick drying in the event that the skin is exposed to moisture, which usually comes from the human body, especially the bike rider
As a result of the effort that the leader makes, the leader sweats, while the other source of moisture is the surrounding environment. This technology allows
With the rapid disposal of moisture, in addition to its resistance to different environmental conditions.
Read also: Protective Face Mask - LOT Scarf BLUE & WHITE

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